white space

Sitting in front of my (still) empty screen, wondering where and how to start my first blog, makes me think of a concept, that is used in architecture or drawing, called “white space”. Its the space inbetween or the empty space.

While I often use this concept in class, when working on “port de bras” and arm movements, trying to direct the focus of the students away from the shape they are making with their arms to the space that it creates around them, embarking on the MAPP journey the "white space" for me also stands for new beginnings, or the state of mind, that new beginnings tend to put you in: where on one hand you are anxious, slightly uncomfortable and nervous about what lies ahead, but on the other hand you feel excited, curious and full of questions.

There is a certain freedom, vulnerability and openness, to those moments just before embarking onto something new, that I love.

Its like an empty sheet of paper that lies in front of you... its full of possibilities. Once you put down that first line or decide which way you are headed, your focus tends to shift to that line and away from the space around it. 
While of course focusing and engaging with something specific is important and necessary for any learning and growing to happen, I hope, that further down this MAPP journey (when I'm lost in details of word counts and essay writing) I will be able to take a step back from time to time and shift my focus again away from the details, to the space around them and to that open state of mind, you are in when you start something new. 

As I said Im very curious and excited, where this will take me to and what I will discover on the way!

being in a process

The Sunday discussion yesterday, focussed on refection and learning processes, but also on making connections, between modules and between l...